Supersets sound super hard. They’re not. However there is some confusion among newcomers as to what a superset is. Quiet simply, it’s doing two sets of exercises one after the other, effectively combining them into one super set. You can superset any two exercises, but some supersets are more effective than others. Read on to find out why.

Because they tax the muscles more than single sets, supersets can make your muscles grow, fast. They are the go-to regime for bodybuilders. If you hit a muscle group, like say, your chest, in two slightly different directions, you’ll engage more muscle fibers, and create more micro-tears leading to bigger growth. Also, it shortens a workout. You can be done and chugging back a protein shake in your car in 40 minutes.
How to Do A Superset
Technically, you could do any two exercises (eg. farmers’ walk and jumping jacks) in a superset, but while it might give you some cardio benefit, the best idea is to combine two exercises that target one muscle group, each from a slightly different angle. The first exercise should be a challenging compound lift using the lion’s share of the muscle group, while the second should hit the same group but more in insolation. This will ensure the group is smashed and primed for growth.
Do a set of prescribed reps of exercise “A” then immediately do a set of prescribed reps of exercise “B”. Rest for 60 seconds. Repeat for the prescribed number of sets. Move on to the next numbered exercise. Choose a light weight for each and work your way up throughout the sets until you can just finish both exercises. Depending upon the intensity, you can alternate between Day I and Day II up to five days a week. Ensure you have at least 2 rest days a week. With a good diet and rest, you should see real improvement (read growth) within a month.

(Click on the exercise to see an instructional YouTube video)
Sets: 3 Reps 10
Load the bar with what you think you can lift easily. Don’t be afraid to start with an empty barbell. No one give’s a shit and if they do, they’re twits. Lie on the bench, feet on the floor, grasp the bar and lift till your arms lock out. Lower the bar till it touches your chest and then push up, keeping your back as flat as possible. That’s one rep. Now immediately..
Sets: 3 Reps 10
Grab two dumbbells. Again, make them light. Don’t be afraid to use the silver ones you see newbies using. Better than dropping one and screaming like a banshee as your arm is ripped out of its socket. Lie on the bench with the ‘bells at the top touching, arms together. Bring them down so they are parallel with the floor, elbows slightly bent. Now return to the start position.
Rest for 60 seconds then repeat for a total of 3 sets, then move onto…
Sets: 3 Reps 10
Grab a dumbbell or kettlebell and hold it in front of you, under your chin. Lower yourself into a squat, keeping your back straight and chest up. Move so your hips are below parallel then push through the heels to a standing position.
Sets: 3 Reps 10
Jump on the leg extension machine, hook your ankles under the pad, and lift up. Pause at the top and squeeze, then lower slowly.
Rest for 60 seconds then repeat for a total of 3 sets, then move onto…
Sets 3 Reps 10
Set an adjustable bench to 45 degrees and lie face first on the bench with a dumbbell in each hand. Pull the weights up to your hips, pulling your shoulders together.
Sets 3 Reps 10
Lie on a bench with a dumbbell supported above your head, arms locked out. Lower the weight back and away from your head until you feel a stretch. Now pull the weight back.
Rest 2 minutes
Sets 3 Hold for 45 seconds: Rest 45 seconds
Lie on the ground with your elbows on the floor supporting your body, back straight. Hold that position. That’s it.
1A Deadlift
Sets 3 Reps 10
Load a bar up and stand close to it so your shins are almost touching it. Lower down and grab the bar. Keeping your back in a natural arch, stand up lifting the bar. Slowly lower the bar back down.
1B Leg Curl
Jump on the leg extension machine, hook your ankles under the pad and lift up. Pause at the top and squeeze, then lower slowly.
Sets 3 Reps 10
Grab two light dumbbells off the rack and stand feet shoulder-width apart. Position the dumbbells at your shoulder, palms facing forward. Press the dumbbells up until they are overhead. Now lower slowly,
Again, take two light dumbbells off the rack and stand feet shoulder-width apart. Raise each one out to the side until it’s at 90 degrees.
3A Ez Bar curl
Sets 3 Reps 10
Grab the EZ-bar (the bar that looks like it’s bent in the middle) and load up a light weight. Keeping your elbows in, curl the bar up, now slowly lower it.
Go the tricep pull down machine and attach the rope or the metal V. Stand with either feet together or one in front of the other. Keeping elbows in, pull down, isolating the triceps.
Sets 3 Hold for 45 seconds: Rest 45 seconds
Lie on the ground with your elbows on the floor supporting your body, back straight. Hold that position. That’s it.
You’re DONE! Rehydrate. Then EAT.
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