So you’ve decided to change your unhealthy ways. You got a shiny new gym membership and swore you’d lose those love handles and gain some muscle this time. Do you need help determining where to begin your workout? If this sounds like you, you’re in luck! We’ve developed a list to help you maximise your workout and boost your confidence.
The hardest part about any workout routine is starting it. It’s true what they say: “Convincing yourself to start is half the battle.” A positive mindset and visualising what you plan to do throughout your workout go a long way. Harnessing this positive mindset will not only help you achieve your goals but also help you attain motivation. Remember to keep your goals and expectations realistic.
A proper warm-up should be a part of every healthy workout routine. It will ensure your muscles are nice and ready for the task ahead and help elevate your heart rate, making them less injury-prone. A simple 5-minute jog and 2-minute stretch are all it takes, and you’re on your way! This should be taken seriously, as a simple warm-up can easily avoid most injuries at the gym.
Track Your Performance
Performing the same routine day after day will likely lead you to a plateau (a stage where your progress has stopped completely). Keeping a workout journal is one easy method to avoid this potential motivation killer. A workout journal should record all exercises, sets, reps, and the amount of weight used during each training session. Using these notes to create new, more challenging, and demanding workout routines would be best. This will motivate you and allow you to customise your workout better.
Be Comfortable with Free Weights
Often, people stay with machine weights for strength training because they’re not confident enough to use free weights like barbells, dumbbells and kettlebells. Like everything at the gym, machine weights have their place, especially for beginners and people with injuries. The main concern with machine weights is they don’t involve movements you do in real life, like twisting and bending. Free weights add variety and offer correctly simulated real-life movements- a more natural workout method. Don’t fear free weights; learn the proper techniques.

Crank out the Tunes
Have you ever heard a song that pumped you up so much you felt like you could do anything? Listening to music during your workout can result in an uplifted mood and better endurance. Much research has been done on this phenomenon, and it’s said that listening to music releases endorphins in the brain, which help with motivation and focus. So plug in those headphones, crank up your Britney Spears, Skrillex, or whatever floats your boat, and hit the treadmill or weights room.
Avoid Distractions
In our ever-connected “mobile era,” losing one’s train of thought is straightforward. Text messages, Facebook, and games are all motivation killers during a workout. Using your mobile phone during sets and rests can lead to unwanted procrastination, hindering your workout and its effectiveness in the short and long term. Try your best to avoid any mobile phone interaction during your workout. That text from Emily about drinks on Friday night can wait.
Sometimes, we have the perfect workout day- things are going to plan, and you’re meeting all your workout goals- other days may be less productive. If your workout involves weight lifting and you feel that you want that extra edge to get the most out of your workout, there are heaps of legal and healthy supplement intakes that can help you achieve your desired goals. Protein and creatine shakes are top-rated supplements that not only help you during your workout but also help you in post-workout recovery. Consuming a protein shake pre and post-workout will help with the repair of muscles and will make you feel fuller for longer. Consuming a creatine shake before your workout will assist in the regeneration of your ATP reservoir- allowing you to go longer and harder. Please remember, if you’re going to take creatine, make sure you’re well-hydrated and consult a fitness expert on the suggested dosage. If you have questions or are interested in gym supplements, visit Nutrients Direct Australia’s experts.
Have Fun
The last and final tip is to have fun with it. Remember, you’re doing this for yourself and no one else. All good things come with hard work, determination and patience, so don’t be discouraged if you don’t meet your goals in the first few weeks. These tips help you get started; the rest is up to you.
So what are you waiting for? Get off the couch and start right now!