Sit-ups and crunches will get you so far. If you want the washboard, these methods will get it.

Whether you are male or female, having toned abs is everyone’s dream. A flat stomach is attractive and signals that you have self-respect and are healthy. If you’ve lost the weight, but don’t have the definition, it could be because of your diet, or you may need to switch up your routine. Below are exercises that will help. effective ways to tone your abs and transform your body into a work of art.
The Side Plank
The side plank is a popular exercise with male and female celebrities; this is not a surprise because the side plank works! Contrary to the traditional plank position, the side plank is a little more challenging, since you are supporting your entire body weight with two contact points on your body. When you execute a normal plank, you use four.

To do the side plank, lie on the left side of your body and place your elbow directly beneath your shoulder. Keep your legs on top of each other when you do this. Then, place your right hand on your right hip. Alternatively, you can keep your right hand on your left shoulder if this feels more comfortable to you. Once you are in the desired position, lift your hips off the floor. Ensure that your body forms a diagonal line. Hold this position for 30-60 seconds then swap sides.
The Push-Up Walkout
The Push-Up Walkout is a simple exercise for punishing your abs. Start by putting yourself in a push-up position and placing your hands a couple of centimetres wider than your shoulders. When in this position, walk your hands forward as far as possible, then back. For optimal results, repeat ten times.
Make it harder: Experienced athletes who want a bit of a challenge can always lift one leg before they walk their hands out to work obliques.
The Alligator Drag
The Alligator Drag will work your core to the max and burn some calories as well. To do the Alligator Drag, place yourself in a push-up position and place your feet on some towels. Then, walk forward with your hands for at least 5 metres. Rest for about a minute, and then repeat the exercise to make your way back to the starting point. For the best results, repeat the Alligator Drag three times.
The Overhead Reach
You will need dumbbells since this exercise will tone your abs and shoulders. Lie on your back with your hips and knees in a 90-degree angle. Use your abs to keep your lower back on the ground and raise your arms. Make sure that your elbows stay slightly bent. Then, raise your arms over your head while holding the dumbbells and bring them back to the floor behind your head. During this exercise, make sure your back arch stays on the floor. To get the best results from this exercise, 15 repetitions are recommended. Do not choose dumbbells that are too heavy.