Whether you want to try running competitively for the first time or just get back into it after a lull, here’s how to start running: Starting slow is the smartest — OK, the only — way to go.
You can run pretty much anywhere with no equipment. So it must be easy to start – just put one foot in front of the other, right? Not quite. Like most things, starting a new training program is stepping into unfamiliar territory. You’re eager but unsure, excited but potentially error-prone. Most guys start too hard, which leads to unnecessary fatigue and possible injury, or they just burn out, feeling the last thing they want to do is go out for another plodding, painful run. Getting past that early period is the key to running’s benefits and pleasures.

Know Why You’re Doing It
You may want to start running to strengthen your heart, to up your endurance for other sports, or even to fit into your suit again. Those are all worthy goals – and setting them is a valuable aid to getting where you want to go. If you like a challenge, your goal might be running the local 5K, or something more ambitious, like finishing a Tough Mudder obstacle run or smashing the Gold Coast Marathon. A typical beginner who trains properly – without overdoing it — can safely finish a 5K after about three months and a marathon after a year.
Whatever you decide to aim for, committing to it will help your progress immensely. Those who don’t set goals tend to plateau, and while a short, easy run a few times a week is better than nothing, it’s not nearly as exciting as looking up at – then reaching – the next level. And the next.
Don’t Get Ahead of Yourself
The importance of pacing — resisting the urge to run too hard, too much, or too often – can’t be overstated. Imagine a marathoner starting a race like Usain Bolt, sprinting full out. In 20 seconds, he’s got a big lead. In two minutes, he’s slowed drastically. After 4km, he’s been passed by thousands of runners and is probably walking – and unlikely to finish. That’s no way to race – or train. Becoming a runner, like racing a smart marathon, is a matter of pacing. To start out smart, all you’ll need are running gear and some good shoes.

Build a Base
Lasting changes can’t be rushed – a first long day in the sun gives you a burn, not a tan. Similarly, over-aggressive early runs can lead to soreness, lingering fatigue, injury risk and the verdict that “running blows.”
To avoid that syndrome, use our training schedule (left) to ramp up gradually – what coaches call “building a base.” Instead of wanting to run less or never again, you’ll likely want to run more. Keep holding back. The restraint will pay off: in less than a month, you’ll be running 10 minutes straight – maybe about 2km – and will have established a running regimen.
The base you build will prepare you for more demanding kinds of running, like interval workouts (short, fast runs with rests between them); tempo runs (“comfortably hard” runs at a goal pace); and possibly those races we mentioned. But that’s for later. For now, congratulate yourself on avoiding the pitfalls that stop many would-be runners short. The fun part – going further and getting faster – is just ahead.
But Will Running Make My Legs Get Bigger?
Does running make your legs bigger, or does it just burn calories? It’s one of those interesting questions that you get in the gym, and everybody seems to have a different opinion on it. Well, the answer depends on other fitness and diet factors, so it’s not a simple yes or no. In this article, expert trainer Mike Hamilin dives into different scenarios that could affect the aesthetic of your legs if you’re running consistently. It’s well worth a read.

Will I Be Tired?
In the beginning, your body may require more sleep, and you may find yourself going to bed earlier or getting weary in the day if you’re a morning jogger. This is normal and not a bad thing. As your body adjusts, you’ll become less tired.
5 Ways To Run Right
Though great runners move in many different ways, most abide by certain basic running techniques that will help any beginner:
- Run tall: Anything more than a very slight forward lean, and you’ll land too hard and shorten your stride.
- Ban the bounce: vertical movement is wasted energy. The smaller your up-down oscillation as you run, the better.
- Don’t cross the midline: your hands should move toward, but not cross, an imaginary line down your middle.
- Forefoot it: the quicker the pace, the farther up on your foot you should land. Distance runners typically land heel first; sprinters’ heels never touch land.
- Don’t strain: try to work only the necessary muscles: clenching your fists or face won’t speed you up; relaxing them will.
Your Training Schedule For Month One
Day 1 Go for a brisk, non-stop 20-minute walk. (Yes, just a walk – no running.)
Day 2 Rest. (Impatient yet?)
Day 3 Repeat Day 1, but after 10 minutes, jog for one minute – only slightly faster than your walking pace. Then walk the last nine minutes.
Day 4 Repeat Day 1.
Day 5 Repeat Day 3, but jog the ninth and 11th minutes.
Days 6-31: After Day 5, you can go out daily or every other day, but add only one extra minute of running every two
days. (The other days can be walks, days off, or repeats of the previous day.)
Keep alternating the walking and easy running. When you’re running half of the 20 minutes, switch to two-minute runs and one-minute walks. Then three-to-one, then four and so on
Related: From couch to competitor