It’s about men’s stuff, things that interest guys aged from 17-70, who prioritise health and fitness above all else. I’m dedicated to delivering content that helps our readers make smart, informed decisions. Whether it’s discovering fitness gear, delivering health news, or doing adeep dive in the supplemtns, my view is to informative advice that can help the reader live a better, happier life.

Occasionally, you’ll find links on our site directing you to retailer websites. If you choose to purchase a product via these links, I may earn a small affiliate commission—at no extra cost to you. This helps us fund the site and continue bringing you quality content. Rest assured, our product selections are always based on merit, not monetary incentives. Any paid promotions or partnerships will be clearly tagged as Sponsored Content, so you know exactly what’s what.

Our mission is simple: to keep earning your trust. Our results come from a place of authenticity and expertise. Whether you’re upgrading your home gym, searching for the perfect supplement, or looking for gear that keeps up with your active lifestyle, we’re here to guide you every step of the way.

This website is not affiliated with Men’s Fitness in the United States or the United Kingdom. Men’s Fitness Online is an independent platform dedicated to delivering fitness, health, and lifestyle content tailored to our audience. Men’s Fitness is a registered business in Australia.


I didn’t write everything here. Some posts were generated in-house up to 16 years ago, some are paid-for content, and most were generated by moi. If you see something on here that you own or wrote, I’ll happily take it down or attribute it to you with a link/s. I’m leaving stuff up because the content was either generated in-house, bought by me, or made by me.

Regardless, most of it simply serves as a jumping-off point for refurbishment and is systematically being rewritten and updated. If it’s a good post, I’m assuming the owners would want to leave the links in tact. If not, contact me and I’ll rectify the situation lickety-split. I’m trying to refurbish a site, not steal anything.

About Me

I was the founding editor of Australian Men’s Health, the printed magazine launched by Murdoch Magazines back in the Nineties. After a couple of years of working for the man, I left and launched the competitor, Australian Men’s Fitness in 2006. Over the next 16 years, I created over 200 issues of a magazine that resonated with Australian men and covered the emerging fitness industry. We saw the rise of UFC, CrossFit, Biggest Loser, Bear Grylls, and Connor McGregor, and created huge events like the Fit Bloke Challenge, and more. Well, guess what? We’re back, baby. Online.

My email is [email protected]
